Beyond judgments. Towards solutions

Responsible Litigation Funding in Europe

The event will focus on the study entitled “Responsible private funding of litigation” authored by Jérôme Saulnier with Ivona Koronthalyova and Klaus Müller, European Added Value Unit, Directorate-General for European Parliamentary Research Services (EPRS), and the research paper annexed to it entitled “State of play of the EU private litigation funding landscape and the current EU rules applicable to private litigation funding”, co-written by Professors Cristina Poncibò and Elena D'Alessandro, University of Turin, Law Department, with cooperation, inter alia, by Dr. Niccolò Landi.

While the study aims at determining whether and why the European Union should act in the field of private litigation funding, the research paper’s goal is to give a comprehensive overview of private litigation funding (or third-party litigation funding – TPLF) in the European Union, by describing the main players on the European TPLF market (i.e. funders, claimants and lawyers) and analyzing the EU legal framework. 

The event will also compare the key findings of the study and research paper, to be identified by Professor Cristina Poncibò and Dr. Niccolò Landi with comments by Professor Marco Torsello, with private litigation funding issues in the commercial arbitration context, a topic to be addressed by Dr. Domenico Di Pietro.

Program and registration

NYU School of Law
Franco Ferrari -