Milano, 26 ottobre 2016 ore 16.30
Piazza Mercanti 2 - Palazzo Affari ai Giureconsulti
Siamo pronti per una cultura aziendale dell'ADR?
In Italia anche solo l'idea appare remota, ma altrove gli in house counsel e gli studi legali che assistono le imprese sono già operativi su questi aspetti.
CAM e International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution (CPR) organizzano a Milano un convegno per discutere questa possibilità.
La partecipazione è gratuita. I lavori si terranno in inglese.
I posti sono limitati: è necessario dare conferma della propria partecipazione scrivendo una e-mail all'indirizzo [email protected] specificando il proprio nome e cognome, la società di appartenenza e il proprio indirizzo postale.
Non-binding dispute resolution processes, such as mediation, are increasingly used by companies to successfully resolve complex multimillion disputes. Yet, there are still many obstacles and challenges to a more systematic use of ADR by corporations. At this seminar, jointly organized by the International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution (CPR) and the Chamber of Arbitration of Milan (CAM), in-house and outside counsel participants will examine whether the Italian legislation making mediation mandatory has helped to spread a sustainable culture of mediation. Participants will also discuss initiatives undertaken by ADR institutions to encourage the use of mediation and exchange practical tips on how companies can successfully develop a sustainable culture of ADR.
Stefano Azzali - Secretary General of Chamber of Arbitration of Milan
Noah Hanft - CPR's President & CEO; Former General Counsel of MasterCard Worldwide
Speakers include:
Jean-Claude Najar - Lazareff Le Bars; Chair of CPR's European Advisory Board
Maurice J.H. Kuitems - Managing General Counsel, Fluor Corporation; Vice-Chair of CPR's European Advisory Board
Pietro Galizzi - Legal & Regulatory Affairs, Retail Market Gas & Power, Senior Vice President, ENI, S.p.A.
Corrado Mora - Mediator, CPR/CAM Joint-Panel of Distinguished Neutrals
Marco Lorefice - Senior Oil&Gas and International Arbitration Lawyer, Edison SpA
James Cowan - Associate General Counsel, Global Litigation-International, Shell International Limited
4:30-5 pm - Registration
5 - 7 pm - Program