Beyond judgments. Towards solutions

CAM and WIPO (World Intellectual property Organization) have started a collaboration for the promotion of the use of ADR options for international disputes involving at least one non-Italian party in the area of IP. The WIPO Center and CAM have developed model WIPO-CAM mediation clauses and submission agreement and an indicative WIPO-CAM Panel of Mediators.

On November 12, 10.00 am (CET) join us for a discussion on Mediation for IP and Technology Transactions, jointly organized by WIPO and CAM.

We will explain how mediation may be used to resolve cross-border IP and technology disputes as well as to renegotiate collaborations to prevent potential disputes during times of crisis, and its enforceability also in light of the Singapore Convention on Mediation. Speakers from WIPO and CAM will also share their experience and recent mediation case examples, including with online mediation.
The event also marks the beginning of a collaboration between the WIPO Center and CAM to promote and offer joint mediation services in international cases involving one Italian party.