IFCAI (International Federation of Commercial Arbitration Institutions) is a no-profit organization formed in Canada in June 1985 to link commercial arbitration in its various forms and to promote greater understanding of arbitration, ADR and the important role of institutions, in supporting conflict management methodologies, and to unite efforts in order to strengthen the performance of such institutions.
IFCAI was organized in order to facilitate permanent relations between commercial arbitration institutions, make known their services, and disseminate information on laws, rules, awards and court decisions in the sphere of international arbitration and ADR.
Its membership is open to arbitral institutions where they meet certain criteria. As for example, sharing the federation's objectives and aims, have given active contributions to the field of International Arbitration and ADR for a minimum time period, prior to applying for membership.
Nowadays the Board of IFCAI is represented by the following arbitral institutions: CACC - Caracas; CIETAC - Beijing; CRCICA - Cairo; LCIA - London; ICC Paris; DIS - Köln; CANACO - Mexico City; ICAC - Moscow; SIAC - Singapore; SCC -Stockholm; AAA - New York; - ICSID - Washington.
IFCAI embodies a Council, the administrative body, a General Assembly, an entity comprising all of the IFCAI members.
Approximately every 18 months IFCAI organizes an international conference; last one was held in Berlin on May 2011 (which program was "Costs in Arbitration".
These events are open also to non - members. They are organized with the aim to bring together members and non-members, interested in Arbitration and ADR, in order to discuss topical issues in this field. All IFCAI meetings are held in different venues around the world to reflect the geographical spread of the membership.
During these years the Federation has grown to at least 60 members from all over the world, has organized and successfully conducted meetings on different aspects of private dispute resolution, created a Website:
The spirit of IFCAI is that of sharing different experiences to each members, creating a common pool of knowledge to circulate in order to promote the arbitration growth.
The Milan Chamber of Arbitration joined IFCAI on 1991 and during almost twenty years always gave an active contribution.
On 1993 the Milan Chamber hosted the VI IFCAI General Assembly and the following day the IFCAI international conference; from 2009 to 2018 the CAM Director, Mr Stefano Azzali, has been the Secretary Treasurer of the federation; from 2018 to 2022 he has been the President.