Beyond Judgements. Toward solutions

The Arbitration Rules, in force as of 1 July 2020 offer a Simplified Arbitration Procedure providing for a streamlined arbitration with reduced scales of fees.

Under the Procedure, the Arbitral Tribunal is composed of a sole arbitrator and the arbitral award is rendered within three months from the constitution of the Arbitral Tribunal. The Tribunal's powers are extended, i.e. limiting the number and length of the written submissions and, if necessary, holding a single hearing.

The fees of the Sole Arbitrator and those of the Chamber of Arbitration are reduced by 30% average.

Scope of the application

The Simplified Arbitration Procedure shall apply:

  • to new cases filled after 1 July 2020, if the value of Claimant's claims does not exceed Eur. 250.000, and unless one of the parties opts-out in the request for arbitration or in the reply to the request for arbitration (in such events, the Arbitration Rules shall apply);
  • to any new case, regardless of the value of the claims, if the parties so agreed (so called "opt-in solution") in the arbitration agreement or thereafter, until the filing of the reply to the request for arbitration.

Download the Arbitration Rules and read all the details in the Annexe “D”.